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Allow Me To Re-introduce Myself (Fresh Salmon πŸ‘‹)

Edutainment, Breaking the Podcast Mold, and a Big Announcement

Hello B2B trailblazers! Gather 'round because it's time for your favorite, finger-licking, marketing feast: Fresh Salmon! πŸŽ‰πŸŸ

And today, I've got something BIG to share – the catch of the century! (pun intended).

After a whole year of relentless fishing and 56 juicy posts, I've made a daring leap, migrating from Substack to the dazzling Beehiiv newsletter hosting platform! 🐝✨ 

And guess what?

The backend migration's done – fish-tastic! But hold your breath, because it's all fingers-crossed as we dive into this new adventure, watching Fresh Salmon’s performance soar to heights we've never seen before!

But that's not all, folks! I've gone all out, decking us in sparkling scales of innovation. I’m thrilled to announce the launch of our very own custom domain - thefreshsalmon.com! πŸŒπŸ’»

Get ready to swim together as we take this β€œbaby” brand to new depths of success. Thefreshsalmon.com is your one-stop-shop for all things B2B Marketing Excellence, and I'm bubbling with excitement to have you onboard for the ride! πŸš€

So, sharpen your fins and unleash your marketing prowess because today's newsletter is loaded with sizzling insights that'll have your competitors in awe! Time to make some waves – let's dive into today's tantalizing edition of Fresh Salmon! πŸ’ͺ🌊

Breaking the Podcast Mold: Meet Bobbi Altoff

Have you heard of Bobbi Altoff?

A recent sensation in the podcast world, in mere weeks, she has racked up hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and I see no signs of her stopping!

How is Bobbi's meteoric rise possible in a sea filled with other podcasts competing for listeners' attention? Honestly, I think this is the epitome of genius and innovation! 🌊πŸ”₯

Bobbi's podcast breaks free from conventional interview structures. It's like sitting down with your closest friend, where authenticity reigns supreme, and there's not a trace of scripted lines. Real, unguarded conversations that tug at your heartstrings and leave you hooked! πŸ—£οΈπŸ’•

Yet this captivating tale doesn't end there! Bobbi masterfully weaves her guests into her own character and persona with each episode. It's a mesmerizing dance in which the spotlight shifts and she shines brighter with every turn.

Picture this: Mark Cuban barefoot on a garage floor while the camera sways. It's like being right there, part of an intimate and authentic experience. πŸŽ₯🍿

Mark Cuban with Bobbi Altoff

Oh, and did you see her guest lineup? Through word of mouth, she attracts a dazzling constellation of A-list celebrities and industry titans!

You'll love her ads too! She seamlessly woven Seat Geek into the fabric of her podcast without sacrificing an ounce of authenticity. You're witnessing an art form! πŸ”₯🎢

Bobbi Altoff's show stands out as a shining beacon of creativity and authenticity in the world of podcasts.

The bar is too low in the B2B world, and there is a great opportunity to be different, putting yourself out there, and forging a strong relationship with your audience. It's an opportunity you won't want to miss, my podcast-loving comrades!

Edutainment: The Next Marketing Marvel

If you have been following Fresh Salmon, you might have noticed mentioning β€œEdutainment” more than once.

In a nutshell, edutainment is being true to yourself while educating others - simple, yet so powerful!

Being funny is not a prerequisite for edutainment success. Be YOURSELF - authentic, passionate, and unapologetically enthusiastic about what you're doing. Embrace your inner spark and let it shine brightly like a beacon in the darkness! πŸ”₯πŸ’«

For those circles, I will write about it in another post.

This is where things get really exciting - edutainment requires a united front. Take advantage of your company's goldmine of talent; no longer leave creative magic to the marketing team! πŸŒŸπŸ’Ό

Picture this: Brands empowering their in-house geniuses to bring life to original ideas that captivate, engage, and, yes, convert demand into sweet, sweet revenue! Drift and HubSpot are great examples that demonstrated what can be achieved when your team shines!

Let's talk tactics, shall we? In order to harness the power of edutainment, here are two game-changing approaches:

It's time to rally the troops! Share a brief that outlines your audience and goals with the entire company. Let them unleash their creativity by filling in the "what" and "how." What would they create, and how will they reach those lofty goals?

Don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild! Make an open call with just the audience definition, and sit back and watch the magic unfold. Let your team's ingenuity surprise you, and it's your marketing team's job to curate the gems that match your goals.

Let's be honest - there are countless other paths to explore, and you should love to hear all about them! Set some guardrails, yes, but let people feel SAFE to bring anything to the table. Organize a Sharktank-style celebration of creativity twice a year! πŸ¦ˆπŸŽ‰

It's time for marketing teams to move from dictating all content to enabling the heartfelt brilliance bubbling within their organizations. Unleash the power of authenticity, creativity, and camaraderie together on this edutainment adventure! πŸš€πŸŽŠ

Interesting Thing That I Read This Week

A great example of educating the market is shared by Amrita on LinkedIn.

Tweet That I Noticed This Week

What Do You Think?

This concludes this edition of Fresh Salmon.

I would like to hear what you thought of today's newsletter.

Also, let’s connect on Twitter, LinkedIn, or TikTok.



PS. I love you ❀️